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Clean Bill of Health 6 April 2022 Image credit: DesignPrax/ this article is brought to you by: OMEGA OPTICAL Keely Portway looks at developments made in UV sterilisation in

Virus Inactivation Study – Promethean Flame
Study by the University of Illinois testing Promethean Flame vs virus study

A new weapon in the fight against superbugs
Since the widespread use of antibiotics began in the 1940s, we’ve tried to develop new drugs faster than bacteria can evolve — but this strategy

Herd Immunity & COVID Variants:
Experts Are Worried About
COVID’s Future
Herd immunity seems within our reach but experts doubt we can ever get there. By Joshua FilmerMay 10, 2021 This image is a computer generated representation

Safe Social Distancing Alert: Long Streams of Virus-Laden Droplets Can Trail Behind Infected Individuals Safe Social Distancing Alert: Long Streams of Virus-Laden Droplets Can Trail Behind Infected Individuals TOPICS:American Institute Of PhysicsCOVID-19Fluid MechanicsInfectious DiseasesPopularPublic Health By AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF